by Cleo Sood | Mar 28, 2024 | Culture
The plan was to deliver a standard Q&A advice column containing the rest of your Qs. But then my NGL data disappeared along with my access to your dilemmas and those plans to share my As, which wouldn’t have happened if I had someone to warn me.
by Elisa Penha | Mar 6, 2024 | Culture, Literature
The slow death of Hanahaki disease is meant to be a manifestation of the overwhelm of love, a progression of the colloquial language that we have, for decades, been building to describe this indescribable feeling. Lovesick. Butterflies in your stomach. All of that. It’s not pleasant language. It’s not supposed to be.
by Gene Case | Feb 13, 2024 | Culture, Opinions
Mortification is the defining emotion of my childhood. I don’t mean to say I was unhappy, but I think it’s true that the psychological impact of mortification (by which I mean a kind of lingering, self-inflicted embarrassment) is uniquely acute.
by Allison Zhao | Feb 6, 2024 | Culture, Literature
Sitting between 150 and 200 pages (depending on the edition) with fourteen essays, Dinner on Monster Island does not overstay its welcome.
by Una V. | Dec 1, 2023 | Culture
There’s something delightful about stereotypically poor weather in the fall. We love that which we spend the rest of the year complaining about: gloomy skies, rainy mornings, brisk nights…
by Devarya Singhania | Nov 28, 2023 | Culture
I greeted autumn with bitterness this year. Toronto deprived me of it for longer and only provided a mediocre season. The trees were barely colourful, and they struggled to rescue me from all my burdens. In envying my welcoming reception of autumn last year, I’ve begun seeing today’s autumn as a foe.